Category Archives: Updates

Running mementos: The Massif Central

According to David McCandless, author of Data is Beautiful: “By visualising information, we turn it [...]

Running Mementos: Harkiran Kalsi

“Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.” – Plautus If it is [...]

Behind the Lens: Ultra-marathoner Billy Yang

“I run because it’s not easy…As long as we can suffer, feel pain, we know [...]

Best Running Reads

Featured in Like the Wind #14. If you’re as passionate about running as we are [...]

Post Race: Finding Your Legs (Again)

It’s post race, you’ve nailed the finish, and got yourself a new PB. However now [...]

Issue 14 Celebrates Iconic Women Runners

  #WOMENRUNNING In our latest issue, cover artist Kathleen Marcotte honours iconic women in the [...]

Running = Life

Or so it would seem, according to LtW #14 contributor Patrick Leese. An amateur runner [...]

#13 Cover Story

We wouldn’t normally advocate judging a book by its cover, however, LtW #13 is a bit [...]

Illustrator Spotlight: Craig McIntosh

Issue 13 is on the way. Here is a special insight into the work that [...]

Illustrator Spotlight: Ellis Van Der Does

Issue 13 is on the way. Here is a special insight into the work that [...]