The land beneath our feet
Issue 44 of Like the Wind asks a question: what can we gain if we develop a stronger connection with the places where we run? And what can we give back to the communities who call these places home? As runners, we’re uniquely poised to develop a rich bond with place – as well as help improve the world around us (hopefully while achieving our running goals too). As Elise Downing writes: “Joy, belonging, solving our problems, caring more, finding connections. They’re all part of a way forward, not just for running but for humanity.”
130 pages, illustrated with beautiful artwork and photos, ponder these questions and much more. Stories from runners around the globe illuminate every corner of this diverse sport: outrunning floods in the Palma Mallorca Marathon; moonlit running in the Nevada Desert; hydration and community support on the streets of NYC; and a 50km adventure across the Serra da Estrela.
Our contributors also explore other subjects affecting the world of running, such as the relationship between Native runners and their home, whether we can truly hear the voices of other runners, and a look back at our favourite running shoes.
In issue 44, you’ll find stories including:
- The land beneath our feet: Elise Downing takes an in-depth dive into the connection between runner and place. How can we cultivate that connection? Are races doing enough to work with Indigenous runners, especially when land ownership is disputed? And how can we all take more responsibility?
- Brooklyn royalty: Hannah Weaver looks back at the pioneering history of the Atoms, a Brooklyn run club that began in 1963.
- NYC 26.2 @35mm: Thiago Ribeiro shoots marathons on 35mm film. “What makes me click is what draws my attention, especially those unexpected moments and perspectives.”
- Birth rebirth: Cate Barrett on her journey back to running after the birth of her last baby.
- Exposure therapy: Caite McNeil’s artwork shines a spotlight on sleeplessness and running at night.
- Marking the way: Johnny “Thewiserunner” Wise on how tagging helps him connect to place – as well as other runners.
- The Purple Runner: an extract from the new novel by Paul Christman.
Running has something for everyone and the stories in LtW#44 reflect that. Whether on the road, track or trail and in real-life or fiction, the stories are captivating, inspiring and thought-provoking. All delivered in a high-quality package that is a pleasure to hold and read. Subscribe now to ensure your copy lands directly on your doormat.
It’s why we run.
PS: for each tree that is used in making the magazine, we will plant 3 trees. We’re doing this via Active Giving who are partnering with the Eden Reforestation Project. We’re also donating 1% of every sale paid by credit card to the Stripe Climate Pledge – which funds carbon removal projects.
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