- In this issue, we meet rising stars of the track, twins Paulos and Petros Surafel, whose bond is both inspiring and heart-warming. And yet know when it comes down to it, they are competitors as much as they are brothers.
- Born to Run author Chris McDougall tells us about a donkey called Sherman. Seemingly at death’s door, the beast joined his family and, thanks to love and kindness, recovered to bring a whole new understanding of running into the writer’s life.
- Charlie Dark, known to many as the founder and leader of RunDemCrew, talks about the importance of community and how he believes running plays a crucial part in helping people who struggle in many areas of their lives. He knows that the worldwide running crew movement has long been a powerful force for good.
- In Running The Tightrope, Ella Revitt explores the issue of RED-S or Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport – an often dangerous process where runners consume less energy than they are expending in their workouts. In many cases it is only thanks to a support network – relatives, coaches, fellow runners and so on – that the physiological damage is not worse.
- And the biggest family of all, the human race, is facing an overwhelming challenge: plastic pollution that is choking the land and the seas. We look at how runners contribute to the problem and what we can all do to help solve it.
Also in this issue: Searching for Al Howie, Running to the Edge, the 29th-hour at Western States 2019, and many more running stories.
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